Press release: Lunar Cargo P.C. and Re-CAE Sàrl Strengthen Collaboration to Enhance Space Mission Planning and Develop Innovative Spacecraft Design
Lunar Cargo P.C., an emerging space startup from Greece, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Swiss computational service provider Re-CAE Sàrl. The companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) focused on advancing long-term orbit propagation and decay analysis, which will support Lunar Cargo's mission planning initiatives. This collaboration also includes a joint effort to design an innovative spacecraft capable of carrying large wire loads to parking orbits.
Bridging horizons in india
Re CAE recently had the privilege of participating in two significant events in the space industry:the Indo-Swiss Space Week in Bengaluru, organized by Swissnex and the two-day India Space Congress in New Delhi.
ESA's ERS-2 showdown with Re.Entry
As ERS-2 now reaches the end of its mission and begins its journey towards reentry, it serves as the perfect case study for our team to unveil the capabilities of our Re.Entry software solution.
Space debris re-entry breakup
This blog gives an idea of the breakup process for a re-entering space debris.
Debris re-entry: THE multiphysics-multiscale application
This blog explains the different stages that a space debris goes through during atmospheric re-entry.